Knuckles the Echidna signs up for the Nickelodeon Studios Internship Program

It had been a pretty nasty night for anyone trying to sleep in Mobius. There were drunken crowds of pro-Swatbot protestors screaming some of the most ridiculous things, such as ''"Where's a good leader when you need one?"'', accompannied by a picture of Ivo Robotnik, and ''"DEATH TO THE ANTHROS!"'', which got thrown at many windows, but failed to make any dents in them. But for the echidna that we all know as Knuckles, the night might as well have been a nightmare. Although most people will tell you that this is just something said to make you feel sorry who have to do this job, it's actually quite annoying to have to be the one guarding the Master Emerald during any sort of drunken riot, and since we all know [ who does that job], you're able to figure that Knuckles the Echidna was still awake by the time it was 4 in the morning.
''"Screw all those pro-whateverbot protestors that kept me awake..."'' Said Knuckles, realizing that 5 hours had already passed since his red mist (no pun intended) got let out of his body. What seemed to be mind-created versions of all the protestors that he had saw during the night suddenly came out of the woodwork and said things to him such as'' "I wouldn't be sad if you died in a horrible car crash!"'' or ''"Get a life, you waste of oxygen!"'' These ''"protestors"'' had caught the enchidna's attention, making him furious to the point where he was ready to punch someone.
Suddenly, a thought entered Knuckles' head: ''"THAT'S IT!"'' He thought to himself. ''"I'm going to do something for a living other then just sit here, guarding the Master Emerald, never to leave this island....."'' Immediately after that, he started rushing towards the city, hoping that there was something waiting for him to do for a living other than just sit at the Master Emerald, waiting for whatever menace was coming to attack.
Being a 16-year old anthromorphic echidna in a city filled with humans isn't easy, especially if you are there to find something to do for a living that isn't guard a giant gem for the rest of your life. Knuckles relentlessly walked through many parts of the city, but then, he saw a new building. This immediatlely caught Knuckles' attention, as he hadn't seen something like this before.
''"Hello, welcome to our hotel!" ''Said the woman at the front desk, not knowing what Knuckles was there for.'' "Um....... Is there anything I can do for a living here?"'' Said Knuckles. ''"Well...... You could get a job in another part of the city..."'' Knuckles, now impatient, decided to pick up the funny-looking black device on the wall. He started pushing random buttons on the pad, hoping that somehow this would help him be able to do something for a living other than sit in front of a gem all day.
Suddenly, some voice came through a speaker (from the telephone). ''"Hello, this is Nickelodeon Studios. What do you wish for?"'' Said the woman on the other end of the phone. Knuckles started darting his eyes around the room, looking for something to say to stop the awkward silence on the phone. ''"This better not be a prank call!"'', Said the woman on the other end of the phone. ''"Uh....."'', Said Knuckles, trying to figure out what to say. While worried, trying to figure out what to say, he heard the noun ''"intern"'' come from a customer who was supposedly there to become, well, an intern at the hotel.
''"...... I'd like to become an intern at your place....?"'' Said an unsure Knuckles. ''"Sure! Just come to our address and fill out the paperwork!"'' Said the cheerful woman on the other end, followed by the woman telling Knuckles the address. It was hard finding a form of transport to get to the studio if you are such a misfit in the city.
A couple hours later, Knuckles finally got to the studios. ''"Um........ Didn't I call you guys?

'"'', said Knuckles, to the person at the front desk. ''"Yes! Just fill out the paperwork and you'll be good to go!"'' After filling out the paperwork, Knuckles ''FINALLY ''got to do something for a living other than just sit in front of a gem.